Tuesday 2 September 2008

Download Basic Channel mp3

Basic Channel

Artist: Basic Channel: mp3 download





Basic Channel 08

 Basic Channel 08

   Year: 1994   

Tracks: 3

Basic Channel has suit synonymous with a firebrand of stripped-down, ultra-minimal techno near indigent of musical kernel or purport. Both creative mortal and tag, Basic Channel was established by Berlin-based producers Mark Ernestus and Moritz Von Oswald (aka Maurizio) in 1993, and the geminate have unhurriedly developed a slender just idolised catalog of releases under such names as Cyrus, Phylyps, q1.1, Quadrant, Octagon, and Radiance -- working a single-minded concept of most featureless machine music ("nigh," of course of study, existence the key to the music's success). Like many German techno artists and labels (Tresor, Studio 1, Mike Ink), Basic Channel harbors a fear for early Chicago blistering and house and first-wave Detroit techno, the latter of which in particular is manifested in Mark and Moritz's ultraconservatism with deference to bout and piece. Releasing under a xII 12-inches since their origination (a few of them, however, nearing album duration), Basic Channel issued their first base CD-release in 1996 (the group differently stay on staunch vinyl addicts -- they even assembled their own press readiness) in 1996. Titled just Basic Channel, the disk was a continuously mixed taster of their 12-inch releases, which proceed to filter Basic Channel is one in a network of artists and labels besides including Thomas Koner/Porter Ricks, the Chain Reaction mark (more than avant observational techno), M (Moritz's personal label and home to his Maurizio releases), the Main Street label (pop house), and Imbalance (a CD-only data-based music label).

Saturday 23 August 2008

Moisturisers Increased Non-Melanoma Skin Cancers In Mice

�Researchers in the US found that several moisturisers commonly used by consumers increased non-melanoma skin cancers in mice that had
been open to extremist violet radiation.

The study is published in the 14 Aug 2008 advanced on-line issue of the Journal of Investigative Dermatology and was the work of Dr Allan
Conney and colleagues from the Susan Lehman Cullman Laboratory for Cancer Research at the University of New Jersey.

Conney and colleagues said people should not catch alarmed about these results since computer mouse skin is not the same as human skin, although the
findings might explain some types of skin cancer the Crab in humans.

According to New Scientist, Conney told the press that:

"We don't know whether or not there's an effect in people."

He explained that they ascertained the effect by accident. They were investigating the effect of caffeine on the development of skin cancer and
happened to use moisturising cream as the carrier, but then they establish the cream itself had unexpected tumorigenic activity.

The researchers then went on to test four common moisturisers: Dermabase, Dermovan, Eucerin and Vanicream, on hairless albino mice that had
been bred to test sunlight-triggered non-melanoma skin cancer in humans. The mice were exposed to UV radiation syndrome twice a week for 20 weeks, which
put them at a high gear risk of developing non-melanoma skin malignant neoplastic disease (the not lethal character of skin cancer). Some mice were treated with moisturisers and
some were not.

The mice treated with moisturisers developed more, bigger tumors (nonlethal basal cell and squamous cell carcinomas) at a faster rate than the mice
that were non treated with moisturisers. As Conney explained:

"We tested a total of four moisturising creams, and all four-spot of them had tumorigenic activity."

The researchers suspected that the ingredients most potential to have caused the tumors were mineral oil, which has been shown to have this impression in
other animal studies and a known irritant, sodium lauryl sulphate, which is a very plebeian ingredient in cosmetic, personal hygiene, and other
household and pharmaceutical products where it is used to thicken creams and too to create lather, among other things.

Conney and colleagues then made their possess cream that excluded these two ingredients (they make filed a patent for it) and found it did non produce
the increased tumorigenic activity of the creams that did include the two products. However, the findings ar not conclusive in that other creams that
did not have these

Wednesday 13 August 2008

For Easier Breathing

�A continuing cough or change in breathing shouldn't be pink-slipped as smoker's cough or a sign of beingness out of shape.

These commode be former symptoms of chronic clogging pulmonary artery disease (COPD). The August issue of Mayo Clinic Health Letter discusses COPD, a progressive lung disease usually caused by smoking.

COPD is about commonly a combination of chronic bronchitis -- characterized by haunting cough and phlegm production -- and emphysema, which causes shortness of breath. These conditions develop gradually and bring on few signs and symptoms in the early stages. But COPD, among older adults, is a leading cause of death in the United States.

Fortunately, when COPD is detected at a mild-to-moderate stage -- as the majority of cases ar -- symptoms can remain mild if a person stops smoking and adopts a healthier lifestyle.

Strategies that can aid mild-to-moderate COPD include:

-- Avoid respiratory infections -- Get the pneumonia vaccine and an annual flu vaccination and take basic preventative precautions such as sponsor hand lavation.

-- Get daily exercise -- The efficiency of the muscles and circulative system will increase.

-- Use short-acting bronchodilators -- They tail help relax muscles and prevent spasms and, as a result, relieve cough and hold breathing easier.

-- Avoid irritants -- Stop smoking and avoid secondhand fume, air pollution, wood fastball, strong odors and dust.

-- Maintain a well-balanced diet and healthy weight -- Too thin tin can lead to frailness, patch being adiposis can increase shortness of breath.

Treatments for more grievous COPD include long-acting bronchodilators, corticosteroids and supplemental atomic number 8.

Mayo Clinic

200 First St. SW

Rochester, MN 55902

United States

More info

Thursday 19 June 2008

Charlize Theron - Theron Stop Calling Me Ugly

CHARLIZE THERON is sick of rude reporters calling her "ugly."

The actress accepts she went out of her way to look unattractive to play lesbian killer Aileen Wuornos in Monster, but she was simply make-up free for other roles for which she was dubbed ugly.

And now she's letting the media know that she'll no longer stand for rude questions about her looks.

She tells the new issue of W magazine, "You better not be bringing up ugly."

Theron insists she did nothing to play down her stunning looks in North Country or The Valley of Elah - two films, for which her characters were called less than attractive.

She fumes, "North Country was dirt. That's what happens when you go into a mine.

"In the Valley of Elah - that's when I took real offence, because that was just my real hair colour and me with no makeup."

And the Oscar-winner is also annoyed by people who think she chooses `ugly' roles to win awards and favour as a serious actress.

She adds, "It really irks me that people think I choose these roles because, if I'm not looking attractive, they will take me seriously. I'm sorry, but if I'm going to play a cop, I'm not going to be wearing eyeliner.

"I'm not going to wake up in a scene with lip gloss on, because that's not how women wake up, not even the most beautiful women."

See Also

Friday 13 June 2008

Hathaway's Boyfriend At Centre Of New Controversy

Anne Hathaway's boyfriend Raffaello Follieri has been caught up in another scandal - the children's charity he runs is currently under investigation by New York's Attorney General for failing to file the correct tax forms. The Italian businessman's non-profit Follieri Foundation - which helps to fund child vaccination programmes in developing countries - is required by U.S. law to fill in the tax disclosure form 990, but the Internal Revenue Service has no record of the organisation ever doing so. The failure was recently brought to the attention of State Attorney General Andrew Cuomo and investigators at his office have confirmed the Follieri Foundation is now being looked into. Hathaway was previously a member of the board of directors, but stepped down from the role earlier this year . However, a representative for the Devil Wears Prada star insists the actress has no knowledge of the tax blunder as she is not involved with the charity any more. When quizzed about the charity's investigation by the New York Post, a spokesman for Hathaway said, "She was on the board, but is no longer. I don't remember exactly when she ceased to be a board member. (But) since she is no longer associated with the foundation, why would you expect her to be familiar with all of this?" Follieri's representative, Melanie Bonvicino, claims the investigation is simply "routine" - and the 29-year-old is confident the matter will be resolved soon. Bonvicino says, "Raffaello Follieri and his attorney, Cyrus Vance (Jr.), have been co-operating fully with the Attorney General's Office to satisfy their routine inquiry. Furthermore, Mr. Follieri looks forward to concluding this matter in a timely and expeditious manner... so that he may continue to fulfill his ongoing philanthropic endeavours worldwide." This is the latest in a string of controversies that have plagued Follieri in recent months - he was sued by a former business partner last year , and arrested for passing a bad cheque at the beginning of 2008.

See Also

Sunday 8 June 2008

The Stunned Guys

The Stunned Guys   
Artist: The Stunned Guys



You Will Survive   
 You Will Survive

   Year: 2004   
Tracks: 1


Scarlett Johansson - Johansson Harry Chat Online

Thursday 29 May 2008

Richard Savino

Richard Savino   
Artist: Richard Savino



Ferdinando Carulli   
 Ferdinando Carulli

   Year: 1994   
Tracks: 11